Today we want to share some handy holiday essentials for traveling post-covid. As summer winds down and Covid restrictions begin to ease up, we’re learning to live in a post-covid world where many aspects of living have been changed forever – including the checklists we make before traveling! Although you may be excited going on holiday for the first time in a while, it can be stressful knowing what to pack. Have I got the right documentation? Have I got the right equipment with me? Did I pack hand sanitizer?
To make sure you’ve efficiently adapted to this ‘new normal’, we’ve put together a list of COVID smart travel essentials you should be packing as we get fully into the swing of summer.

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on- Face masks
Although face masks are no longer mandatory in many places, there are still many businesses and public places that do require them. In fact, many airlines are still enforcing face masks, so you won’t be able to board without one.
To make sure you’re not caught out, be sure to pack a face mask (and spares!) just in case.
- Quick drying mini hand sanitizer that fits the airports restrictions
If we’ve learnt anything this year, it’s that personal hygiene is crucial. To make sure that you’re not putting yourself or others at danger, it’s important to wash and sanitize your hands regularly. To keep your hands germ-free on the move, you should consider investing in a mini hand sanitizer that will fit easily into your bag. That way, you can still keep your hands clean if you don’t have access to running water.
Remember, you’re only able to take up to 100ml bottles on the flight with you in hand luggage, so mini bottles are ideal!
- Anti-bacterial wipes
Photo by Christine Sandu on Unsplash
If you’re traveling to the airport by train, you’ll want to pack anti-bacterial wipes. That way, you can sanitise your seat table (if you have one) before you sit down and afterwards, to help protect yourself and others from Covid.
You should also regularly disinfect your phone, sunglasses, keys and anything else you touch regularly.
- A thermometer
If you’d rather be safe than sorry, a thermometer can be a great item to stash away in your suitcase. That way you can check that you and your family are within the healthy temperature range to keep yourselves and others safe.
- Apple Pay
With thousands of types of bacteria festering on paper currency, it’s never been more important to set up your Apple Pay. By setting up your mobile phone to facilitate payments, you can avoid handling cash and therefore encounter far fewer germs during your trip.
It’s also worthwhile to note that due to the pandemic, many businesses no longer accept cash payments!
- A first-aid kit
Finally, it never harms to come prepared with a first-aid kit. Packed with everything from plasters to antihistamines and relief tablets should you fall ill on holiday, you can be confident that you’ve packed for all eventualities.
The bottom line is that traveling during Covid needn’t be stressful. By taking the time to pack some little extras and coming prepared for all eventualities, you too can enjoy a relaxing summer break with your nearest and dearest.
Read more wellness and traveling articles at Cliché
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