
Making Time To Do More of What You Love

Making Time To Do More of What You Love

Creating free time is as important as ensuring that you are productive at work or running your home. An increasing number of articles highlight the importance of the work-life balance, and at the core of these is the simple principle that unless you feel fulfilled in all aspects of your life, you run the risk of depression, stress and unhappiness.

Whether you are in employment or a stay at home parent it’s vital you recognise that you should try and devote some time to your own interests and pursuits. Some people find that they can de-stress by taking up a hobby. For example, if you love creativity and expressing love for others through making your own cards, toys and other objects, then visit the Craft Superstore for inspiration. When you’re fulfilled and fostering your creative streak, you’ll find it easier to cope with whatever life cares to throw at you because your internal batteries have been energised.

Improve your well-being

Just because you graduated or left school years ago doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. If you enjoy
developing your intellectual skills, then you don’t necessarily have to sign up to an Open University course, you can always just join a local discussion group and develop your knowledge in this way. If your time is taken up by demanding kids at home and a hectic work schedule, there are countless apps that you can download and absorb on your daily commute.
According to The Guardian ‘Scientists have found that …variations in happiness between us come from our choices and activities. We have the power to change how happy we are by the way we approach our lives.’ Anyone who doesn’t leave time in their lives for themselves does so at their peril.

Build up your inner happiness

Life can be testing at times. This may be due to your toddler deciding that they want to throw a tantrum every time you try to dress them, or your boss is giving you a hard time, or global politics leave you feeling powerless. In order to combat these feelings of frustration, if you devote some time to doing something you love, you will feel more positive and accomplished.
An article in The Daily Mail published the results of a survey conducted by Tilda, which discovered that 30% of the sample interviewed said they felt helpless to change their current work-life balance. This means that their brains are tired, and possibly stale, and they probably aren’t working effectively, or enjoying time with their family. If you do something you love, even if it’s only once a week, you’ll have something you look forward to, you can respond to any potential crisis in a more flexible manner, and you’ll feel more positive about life.

Prioritize Your Daily Schedule

Self-fulfilment is as important as looking after your family or pursuing your career. If you’re not happy, you won’t be able to respond to any sudden problems that may occur in your life. If you make sure you have some time in your schedule for your own pursuits, you’re not being selfish; you’re preserving your sanity.

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I'm an interactive digital experience bringing you the latest in fashion, music, entertainment, art and social media & technology. I was created in 2009 in the hopes of making your life more fun by giving you a media consumption experience unparalleled to any other.