
How To Study While Working A Full-Time Job

How To Study While Working A Full-Time Job

Today we want to share great tips for learning how to study while working a full-time job.  Making money and getting an education at the same time isn’t easy. Here are just a few tips for successfully juggling the two.

Consider Accelerated Courses

Accelerated courses allow you to complete a course in minimal time. This will give you more motivation to invest your time and effort into it, as you’ll be able to reap the rewards sooner. The wilkes accelerated nursing program is a great example of this kind of course.

learning a musical instrument online

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Study online – or find a job with flexible hours

College and work are likely to clash if you’ve got set times for both. Consider making one of these commitments flexible so that you can fit it around the other. An online course such as this MBA program online could allow you to study in your own time alongside a job with fixed hours. Alternatively, you may be able to find a job with flexible hours such as writing or graphic design to fit around a fixed study schedule.

Let your tutor/employer know

Telling your tutor about your job could be necessary, in case work gets in the way of studies. Your tutor may be able to also help you create a study schedule. As for telling your employer about your studies, this may not always be appropriate – especially if you’re studying to get a new qualification so that you can get a new job. That said, telling an employer maybe important if you have exams to take on fixed dates and need permission to take the time off. You might be studying to get additional qualifications and get a higher position at your current job.  Medical staff usually get advanced medical certifications online while having a full time job, for example. If this is the case, you should definitely let your employer know as it shows initiative.

Use your commute and lunch break to study

Diverse students eating pizza while studying with laptop in park

Photo by Armin Rimoldi on Pexels

There could be ways of fitting studying into your working day, so that you’re not spending as much of your evenings and days off studying. If you commute to work, you may be able to use this period to study. Similarly, you may be able to find time to study on your lunch break.

Schedule your free time

It’s important that you still have free time to relax, otherwise you’re likely to suffer burnout and your studies and job will then suffer. Finding this time as it comes may not be easy, so it could be worth scheduling your free time so that you know you’re always guaranteed this leisure time. This could include having at least one free day off and one free evening per week. 

Be prepared to make some sacrifices

There may be some leisure activities that you may have to cut back on so that you have time to work and study. It’s important to remember that while this is only temporary, you can always opt for paid thesis writing. This will allow you to go back to your normal lifestyle more quickly. Ensure that you’re making the right sacrifices (i.e. don’t sacrifice sleep).

Read more educational articles at Cliché
Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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