Entertainment / Entertainment Interview

Jessica Parker Kennedy on ‘Black Sails’ to ‘Colony’

Jessica Parker Kennedy is your new favorite actress. Well, she will be after you check her out on Starz’s pirate adventure Black Sails, produced by Michael Bay. In fact, Kennedy is in for quite a busy year. Apart from Black Sails, she is also starring in USA’s Colony, which is currently in its second season. We can’t wait to see the other magic she creates. Here, we chat with the rising star about her start in acting, new projects, and what she loves most about her Black Sails character, Max.

Cliché: What was the first acting role that meant something to you and why?
Jessica Parker Kennedy: I did a play in college called Unity 1918 that was really challenging for me. I did a lot research for that role and really got my head into it. I struggled a lot finding the character and I think the challenge of that scared me and I liked that. I like being scared.
When you aren’t acting, what do you love to do?
I love to go to movies, shop, visit my friends, and lay around on their couches.
You are currently starring as Max on Starz’s Black Sails. What do you love most about your character?
She seems indestructible. I love her strength. It’s fun playing characters who are very dissimilar to myself. I wish I could meet her and talk to her and ask her for advice.
What is something that you wished the audience understood about Max?
I actually feel like the audience has a really good grasp of who she is. When I’ve read reviews on the show and on what people think about her, they seem to understand her in a way that gives me great comfort because they seem to genuinely like her. She’s often described as the character on the show who leans into her moral compass more than the others. I don’t know if that’s true. It’s relative, I suppose. Not everything she does is moral, but people seem to sympathize with her and root for her.
You will also be starring in the USA seriesColony. What can you tell us about your character?
I love being a part of Colony. Everyone has been so welcoming to me and I’m having a really good time. I can’t tell you much about my character just yet, but I’m definitely playing another strong female who makes some extraordinary choices—choices I would never want to make. I’m actually not sure who has it worse, Max or this character.  
As a professionally trained singer, would you ever showcase your voice in character?
Absolutely. I have before on another project and I’d love to do it again.
What is one thing you want your fans to know about yourself?
There is nothing I “want” people to know about me. I just want people to enjoy the work I’m a part of.
Apart from your roles in Colony and Black Sails, what’s coming up next for you?
I’ve been staying pretty busy, which has been really great. I’ve worked on six projects in the last six months, but the two I’m most excited about are a web series for Warner Brothers called I Love Bekka and Lucy, created and directed by Rachael Holder. She’s so smart and has written a beautiful and funny script about two best friends. I can’t wait for people to see it. The second is an independent movie I’m filming right now. It’s a comedy called Someone Else’s
Wedding, written and directed by Pat Kiely. I’m having so much fun doing that. I’m working with actors that I’ve wanted to work with for a long time so I’m really happy.
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Jessica Parker Kennedy on ‘Black Sails’ to ‘Colony:’ Photography: Amanda Peixoto-Elkins, Styling: Adeel Khan, Makeup: Melissa Adelaide DeZarate, Hair: Bianca Rich

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