So while browsing the internet today I came across some shocking, yet hilarious gossip. Former music artist turned reality TV show host, Ray J is stirring up some more trouble regarding his fabulous ex-girlfriend Kim Kardashian, and it’s pretty tacky to say the least.
Someone asked Ray J what he planned on giving Kimye for a wedding gift, and according to TMZ, he said a $47,000 check, representing just four months of this year’s profits from the sex tape he and Kim made all the way back in 2007. Talk about being bitter!
Only two things come to mind when I think about this whole sleazy mess is:
1. It’s shocking that this tape is still making so much money after seven years.
And 2. Ray J keeps proving over and over that he’s obviously not over Kim, and is upset with the fact that she’s more famous than he is. Either that or he’s accepted her fame but is on a mission to remind her and the world how she got her start. As if his trashy song “I Hit It First” released some time last year wasn’t enough.
Here’s the monthly breakdown of profits from the beginning of the year until last month for the Ray J/Kim Kardashian sextape:
January $6,135.60
February $20,097.31
March $9,674.76
April $10,931.52
TOTAL: $46,840.13 (
Vivid Entertainment, the people who are also responsible for commissioning the Mimi Faust sex tape, say that the Kim and Ray J porno has grossed $50 million dollars so far. This completely explains how Ray J has been keeping afloat all these years after his failed music career. He said that if the couple doesn’t accept his generous gift, that he’ll donate it to one of his favorite charities.
Ray J’s sleazy wedding gift to Kim and Kanye shows how badly love hurts, and how bitter people can be when it ends. If Ray J wanted to prove a point okay fine, but the little bit of money he’s making from this sex tape will never amount to the net worth of Kim and Kanye combined. Sounds like he still loses in the end to me. Hopefully Kimye can be good sports about this mess and just laugh it off. The best revenge for them would be to treat Ray J like the joke he really is.
(Featured image courtesy of

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