Beauty / Interviews

Cambell Kenneford Inspires a New Trans Generation

Cambell Kenneford Inspires a New Trans Generation

Many young girls worship their mothers. Cambell Kenneford was no different. The trans activist recalls: “When I was younger, I would watch her do her makeup and I would just idolize her and I would want to be exactly like her. She’s super supportive of my transition and she really helped me in that transition. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her.” Ushering new faces into the media is crucial for visibility. “Sometimes when I look at campaigns or shoots, I don’t see myself often represented. So I’m just trying to be that force for change and trying to be that person that people can see on social media and in campaigns so younger trans people can see themselves represented. If you can see it, you can be it. And when I was growing up, I didn’t really see anyone that matched who I was, so I think I’m just trying to bring some more representation so people can see themselves and see a light at the end of the tunnel.”

As trans rights are increasingly under siege in America, allyship has never been more important. Cambell urges vigilance. When we look out for each other, we are an unstoppable force. “I think in the UK we are not quite there yet, but I definitely think that’s the way we’re heading. Be politically engaged and look out for some resources. Educate yourself better. If you see something bad, then call it out and just get to know the trans community better. I am excited for change to happen. Real change, not fake change. I want to see trans people represented more and I think it’s happening and we’re slowly getting there.” 

The global tableau has always included trans people. The community is simply more vibrant than ever. “Trans people are real people. Our identities aren’t fake. Trans people have existed for thousands and thousands of years. We are not experiencing a trans epidemic where people are being forced to have gender reassignment surgery. We are not forced to come out. There’s just more awareness now. That’s why things like TikTok and Instagram are so good because when we don’t see ourselves represented in mainstream media, we can see ourselves represented online by real people. There’s more people that are naturally going to be coming out as trans because there’s more awareness. There wasn’t awareness like this before. You can be anything you want to be. I just want everyone to believe in themselves. And there is help out there if you feel you are trans.” Your chosen family is waiting for you with arms outstretched!

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Cambell Kenneford Inspires a New Trans Generation. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Cambell Kenneford.