Last Friday at the Human Rights Campaign’s Time To THRIVE conference for LGBTQ youth, Juno star Ellen Page decided to share something with the world that nobody saw coming. She revealed that she is gay despite having been romantically linked to several male actors in the past. The 26-year-old Canadian actress who is known for her activism, says she identifies herself as a pro-choice feminist. The conference targeted lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth in Las Vegas, and Page stated that she is “sick of lying by omission.” ( In her speech, Page said she hoped her news would help others struggling with their sexuality, saying: “I’m here today because I am gay. And because maybe I can make a difference. ” (
Ellen Page’s brave announcement sent the social media world into a frenzy, and many people have been applauding her courageous decision to come out in such a big way. Former N’sync star Lance Bass tweeted “I just watched Ellen Page come out! Wow! What a speech! Congrats!! #HRC #TimetoThrive”. (Lance Bass/Twitter)
I believe that Ellen Page did a very admirable thing by openly sharing this news with the world. Because she is an actress, she has a platform that can influence change and I believe that she has begun to do just that. Nobody should be judged based on their sexual preference or anything else for that matter, we should all be viewed as human beings because that is what is most important. Congrats Ellen Page! Continuing being a positive role model and doing things your own way.
(Featured Image courtesy of
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