
What’s in My Makeup Bag: Ageless Essentials

As a fervent makeup fanatic myself, I know that there are some cosmetic trends that will never go out of style. Makeup fads are like clockwork: they explode on the cosmetic scene, and then vanish–or get banished–almost as quickly as they appear. It’s almost impossible to keep up with the revolving door of trends in the makeup market, unless you have time to idly roam beauty supply stores all day or keep a running tab on the hottest beauty blogs (obviously, not me).

The more I started following the beauty scene, the more I understood the cyclical nature of it. I was wasting time and money on products that by the time I found out about them, were already beauty DON’TS: ahem, hair feathers, bejeweled false lashes, purple lipstick. You get the picture.

What I quickly realized is that amidst the five-minute fads are what I like to call ageless essentials. They never go out of style, because in essence, they are timeless. More often than not, they involve an understated look or fulfill a basic beauty need with ease, no matter what your age or style. For me, these ageless essentials have become the staples of my own makeup bag, no matter my age or the changing styles of the seasons. Sure, it’s fun to try out daring trends every once in awhile, but I’ve found that when you stick to the fundamentals, you’re always covered and never fifteen minutes late to the fad party. In other words, when it comes to your makeup bag, always go back to the basics.

Here’s mine, featuring the most reliable makeup brands of all time.

 Revlon’s Fire and Ice (720) Super Lustrous Lipstick

Have you ever noticed how red lips manage to sneak their way into every season’s essentials, year after year? It doesn’t take a makeup expert or fanatic to figure out that red lips are, and always will be, a timeless essential in every woman’s makeup bag.

($4.74 at Target)


Maybelline Expert Tools Eyelash Curler

I can’t tell you how many of my friends never used an eyelash curler, only to realize later the enormous difference this handy tool makes. So many women are surprised how a few curls of the lashes can open up their tired, droopy eyes, revealing a refreshed, dare I say flirty, look in no time. Add mascara, some concealer, and you’ve got a fresh-faced look that will never go out of style.

($4.99 at Ulta)


Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream

Okay, so this one isn’t quite timeless, yet. While BB Creams (short for beauty balm) are a relatively new product on the market, I’m convinced they have true staying power. Why? In an age where we want everything now and have no time to spare, BB Creams satisfy all of our basic beauty needs in one product. Finally, the beauty gods have answered our prayers and provided us with a cream that hydrates, preps, protects, and perfects skin all at the same time. Convenience mixed with beauty is something that will never go out of style.

($10.85 at Target)


The Balm Cosmetics Mary-Lou-Manizer Luminizer/Highlighter

Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs an exceptional highlighter in their makeup bag. And while the price-tag is a bit hefty on this one, I’m promising you that it’s worth it, and even more. Like the best makeup highlighters, this honey-hued compliments all skin types, and can function as a luminizer, shadow, or shimmer that diffuses light, leaving skin with a soft, youthful glow.

($24.00 at Nordstrom)


Tarte Cosmetics Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Palette in Shades of Clay

Similar to the everlasting red lip, the smokey eye seems to pop up almost every other season, granted in slightly different variations every time. From the dramatic, black smokey eye, to the more subtle gray and brown smudged looks, this trend finds it’s way onto makeup counters again and again. While it’s fun to try on this super sultry look, my advice is to keep the smokey eye subdued with the softer shades of earthy browns in this palette, especially if you want the look to remain clean and classic.

($25.00 on


Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes (Night Calming)

A fresh, clean face is the definition of timeless. These wipes gently remove any traces of dirt, oil, and makeup, while leaving a calming scent that helps you doze off for a good night’s sleep. They’re also ideal for a girl on the go, making removal and quick touch-ups a breeze.

($6.99 at Target)

Photos courtesy of Target, Nordstrom, Tarte Cosmetics, and Maybelline. 

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I'm an interactive digital experience bringing you the latest in fashion, music, entertainment, art and social media & technology. I was created in 2009 in the hopes of making your life more fun by giving you a media consumption experience unparalleled to any other.