
Summer Skin Damage Control

There’s no denying the magic of those long (or too short) summer months—rising temperatures, sun-kissed skin, and relaxing beachside on well-deserved vacations. But while the summer season is a favorite for many, your skin is not a huge fan. And while the sun may seem to do wonders for your complexion, the harsh rays can actually wreak havoc on your skin. By fall, our dry, damaged skin is left screaming for help. Read on to find out how you can turn summer skin damage control into some serious TLC for your skin.

Banish Dead Skin Cells
It’s common knowledge that the sun dries out your skin. By the time summer comes to an end, our bodies are covered in dry, dead skin cells. Not only is scaly skin not an attractive look, it’s not good for you either. Dead skin cells can clog pores, causing inflammation and acne, which makes for an even less appealing look. Fortunately, we can solve this problem very easily with a good exfoliator. My recent favorite? I’m loving DIRTY WORKS Glow Girl Buttery Salt Scrub ($14). This scrub gets the job done with invigorating sea salt and smooth soybean oil. Get ready to say goodbye to dull, dry skin for good!

Even It Out with Anti-Aging
Repeat after me: It is never too early to anti-age. I can’t reiterate this enough, especially after the long summer months. Everyone, no matter what age, can benefit from anti-aging products. While we love rising temps, the summer sun can kickstart discoloration and even wrinkles, starting as early as your late teens and twenties. But there’s no need to panic. There are tons of affordable products on the market that can protect your skin pre- and post-sun, including one of my favorites, OLAY Total Effects 7 in One CC Tone Correcting Moisturizer ($18.79). This all-encompassing—not to mention lightweight—product features color and correction to fix fine lines and imperfections (including discoloration), as well as SPF to protect you from the sun’s harmfulrays.

Extend Your Glow
While I’m not a proponent of tanning beds, I am a big fan of keeping that summer glow well into the autumn months. My alternative? I’ve been using JERGENS Natural Glow ($8.79) for years, and this product has only gotten better with time when it comes to extending your sun-kissed look. They’ve improved their formula immensely over the years to ensure a more even, natural looking color as well as a much more pleasant fragrance to go along with it.

Check In and Check Up
If you don’t already check in with your dermatologist on a yearly basis, now is a great time to start. Scheduling a full-body examination is a huge step in keeping tabs on the general health of your skin and preventing the growth of cancerous cells. Even if you don’t see any suspicious moles or growths, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment anyway and have your doctor take a look. They can see things that we can’t, and they can give you more great tips for how to keep your skin safe throughout the entire year.

Images courtesy of, Target, and Walmart
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