
DIY Halloween Looks

Here are a few do it yourself looks for Halloween. If you not in to scary masks and would like to show off your artistic side, here are a few looks you can try on yourself or your kids. These looks will have you falling in love with them. You can follow these looks or get a little creative.

Broken Face
This work of art was made with kid’s face paint, eye liner, and angel brush. You start with sketching it out on your face with the eye liner. Then apply the kids face paint over the sketch with an angel brush. You can get more detailed with the look by using the brush. Also you can apply your own eye shadow if you want to.

I love the masquerade look for a couple of reasons. One is that you can get really creative and add  your own unique touch to it. Also, you can use whatever colors you want. To get the look in the picture, you’re going to need NYX liquid eye liner, NYX eyeliner in black, and a champagne pink eye shadow. First, outline the masque using eyeliner then fill it in with the eye shadow. After that is done go over the eye liner with a liquid one. Make sure whatever color you use as your eye shadow that you also have eye make-up that matches as well; you want to have your eye make-up already done and work on from there.
I hope you love these ideas and try them out yourself. Don’t forget it’s Halloween so don’t be scared to get creative. These looks work both on women and young girls. Just have fun doing it and Happy Halloween!
Photos courtesy of Jennifer Rodriguez
Featured photo courtesy of

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I'm an interactive digital experience bringing you the latest in fashion, music, entertainment, art and social media & technology. I was created in 2009 in the hopes of making your life more fun by giving you a media consumption experience unparalleled to any other.