Beauty / Hair

Finding Out Whether Hair Extensions Actually Damage Hair

Finding Out Whether Hair Extensions Actually Damage Hair

If you have ever considered getting extensions in your hair such as clip-on or tape-ins, you might have undoubtedly hopped onto the internet to do your research. While the internet is a good source of information of all kinds, there is a lot of content on the internet that you shouldn’t trust blindly, and one such unsuspecting myth related to hair extensions is that they severely damage your hair.

The myth and misconception

When hair extensions were relatively new in the fashion industry, they were met with a ton of negative press for varying reasons. The underlying reasons for assumptions surrounding hair getting damaged by extensions possibly came about because many women with thinning and brittle hair are bigger customers of hair extensions due to obvious reasons. While their thinning hair is why they wear extensions, the media sought it to be the other way around.

Do hair extensions damage your hair?

hair extensions

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

The simple answer to this looming question is that hair extensions do not damage your hair in the slightest. If anything, they do not bother or affect your natural hair at all provided they are fitted professionally and are cared for.

While in the past the only popular option for hair extensions were clip-ins which were often visible from the seams and caused strain on your natural hair due to the nature of their application, newer options such as these remy tape in hair extensions cause no strain at your roots at all.

Permanent hair extensions do indeed cause some damage to your natural hairline, however, temporary ones cause no damage at all. Temporary hair extensions are possibly the safest form of all the solutions available to temporarily lengthen or thicken your hair, provided that they are installed correctly and professionally. 

How to safely apply hair tape in hair extensions

Tape in hair extensions lasts anywhere between 6-12 weeks provided that you take good care of your hair, brush them often, and do not apply too much hair oil. To ensure no damage from your extensions, it is crucial that you safely apply them, and you can either get this done by a hair technician or learn to do it yourself.

If you choose to go to a technician, be sure to choose one that is reputed and has an established clientele for hair extensions. Visiting an amateur hairstylist would do you or your extensions no good.

However, if you choose to apply the tape extensions yourself, you would need to begin by thoroughly washing your hair and completely drying them off. Next, you would mark a spot in your head about an inch away from the nape of your neck and create a horizontal section. You would have to tie them away from the top part of your hair so that they don’t get into the way of your extensions. 

You would then take small manageable sections of your hair, place the extensions underneath them and then apply the tape on top of that section using pliers for a long-lasting application. Repeat this for the rest of your sections and brush to reveal beautiful, long, and thick hair underneath.


While using hair extensions is a fashion statement for many, they can be a necessity for those suffering from thinning and brittle hair. Do not let false myths and assumptions about hair extensions deter you from using them, and only use knowledgeable and trusted websites for information.

Read more beauty and hair articles at Cliché
Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay & Creative Commons

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