The long awaited first female led superhero film from Marvel finally hit theaters March 8th. The film establishes the origin story for Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) who becomes Captain Marvel. As you may remember, we first got an insight of…
The long awaited first female led superhero film from Marvel finally hit theaters March 8th. The film establishes the origin story for Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) who becomes Captain Marvel. As you may remember, we first got an insight of…
Night Shyamalan’s new film Glass is not a typical superhero film and it isn’t for good reason. If you watch the film with a preconceived notion that you will see individuals who flock the pages of beloved comic books, you…
We’ve all grown up one way or another aware of comic book superheroes. A millionaire caped crusader, an invincible Kryptonian, a super soldier and a billionaire playboy turned hero who all fight for the safety of mankind. We all know…