Forget everything you think you know about bands. Pull that pin off your record player or take your headphones out of your ears. Algebrahs’ EP, Young Dreams, is waiting for you. It could be the nostalgic lyrics or intricate melodies, but whatever the case is, give them a listen. You’ll be head bopping sooner than you think.
Singer/songwriter/guitarist Zachary Winans and bassist Gio Prieto have a musical connection different from other bands. These two have never met in real life! Zachary is from Arizona and Gio is from New Jersey. The pair met on a music sharing program, started their own music blog, and decided that since they both have common tastes in music, they should collaborate. Despite the miles between them, they are fully capable of creating wonderful art.
Photo Courtesy of Mikko Serrano
Still, there are negatives—but apparently, mostly positives—to partnering up with someone so far away. “The pros are that our egos aren’t clashing too much,” says Gio. “In previous bands, I’d kind of be the guy that structures songs out. Zach does a major part of the songwriting, and I contribute where I can. The con is that live shows aren’t possible. Even though our songwriting process works, it would really benefit from actually getting to play together and forming new ideas.”
Although they could, technically, come together, there are definitely factors in the way. According to Zachary, he is “too stubborn to move out east.” Who could blame him for leaving sunny Arizona? “It would be a pretty tough call to pack it all up and leave for something unknown, especially when I’m able to record and produce the type of music we make at home.”
Gio also shares similar views. “Aside from things like school and work, I just don’t think I’d be able to leave the east coast. It’d be tough for both of us to just move across the country, so we’re holding off on that idea.”
Algebrahs’ EP was recently released and has a clear influence. “I think Young Dreams was inspired by a lot of different dynamics, one being the relationship issues experienced through the whole process and two being the different genres of music we were listening to at the time,” explains Zachary. “‘Swept Away’ was actually the first real Algebrahs song.” However, each song from “Salt of the Sea” to “Used to Be” resonates closely to him. “‘Young Dreams’ is the most nostalgic song I’ve ever written. It’s about my ex-girlfriend’s life, my life, and the question of if the two of us would stay intertwined or not.”
Even though their music is delightful, their EP artwork is also very captivating. Gio claims the artwork was created by a friend before the album title was even released. “We wanted it to look somewhat dated. We loved what he came up with and decided to use it.”
In addition to their digital look, their entire collection is digital. “The internet has been good to us. We discovered most of our favorite bands through free downloads. We gave listeners the option to pay whatever they’d like to for Young Dreams. We didn’t feel right putting a price on something that wasn’t a physical release.”
Now that Young Dreams is in the picture, Zach has been “working on getting a uniform sound.” Their next project it “just starting to come together, but it shouldn’t be too long.”
So, why should you care about Algebrahs? “We tried our best to create our own sound and we can only hope that the person listening appreciates it too,” says Gio. Many can relate to the lyrics, whether it is reminiscing on a time long ago or reflecting on current events, and as long as they continue to produce great music, this long distance relationship can continue forever. Young Dreams can be purchased on and Algebrahs can be found on
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