Family / Lifestyle

Five Safety Tips on how to Drive safely on the motorway With Children

Five Safety Tips on how to Drive safely on the motorway With Children

Driving with any passengers puts a big responsibility on you as the driver, but having children in the back seats demands extra caution and preparation. Here are five essential tips to help you drive safely on the motorway with young ones in the vehicle.

Prepare your car before the journey

Before setting off, it’s crucial to ensure your vehicle is roadworthy. Check tyre pressures and tread depth, ensuring they meet legal safety standards. Make sure your oil, coolant and windscreen washer fluid levels are topped up to keep your systems running smoothly.

Inspect all lights and indicators to confirm they are functioning correctly and reliably alerting other drivers of your presence and turns. If you aren’t already, keep up to date with regular servicing to address any potential issues before they become more hazardous.

Secure child car seats properly

The proper installation and use of booster seats is crucial for any trip with children, particularly on unforgiving motorways. Ensure any car seats installed are appropriate for the age of every passenger. Weight and height are the biggest factors to consider when choosing booster seats.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to install these seats correctly. Incorrect installation can compromise car and passenger safety significantly. Regularly check that any child car seats are securely fastened and that harnesses are properly adjusted to fit smaller passengers snugly.

Plan for regular breaks

Motorway journeys can be long and tedious for adults, let alone children. To avoid restlessness and discomfort, plan to take regular breaks. Stopping every two hours or so allows you and all passengers to stretch, use the toilet and get some food if necessary.

Service stations along the motorway are convenient rest stops. During these breaks, let kids move around and get some fresh air. This is also a chance for you to rest and maintain your concentration when back on the road, enhancing overall safety.

Keep children entertained

Limiting distractions is key for you as a driver. For a peaceful and safe motorway journey, try to keep children engaged and entertained with something else. Prepare a variety of activities and snacks to keep them occupied.

Audiobooks, music playlists and interactive games can be great distractions. Pack a selection of toys, books, and electronic devices if that’s what usually keeps them busy at home.

Check your car insurance before travelling

Car insurance is a legal requirement for every journey in the car. Comprehensive policies provide financial and legal cover for you, your passengers and other motorists.

Some policies offer breakdown cover, which can be invaluable in case of an emergency – particularly if you’re on a long journey with child passengers. Insurance for child car seats is also available, giving you extra protection if yours are damaged after an accident.

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