
Chilean Skydiver plummets to her death in Brazil after main and reserve parachute fail

Chilean Skydiver plummets to her death in Brazil after main and reserve parachute fail

A Chilean woman plunged to her death while skydiving in Brazil Saturday when both her main and reserve parachutes failed to deploy correctly, horrifying footage shows.

Carolina Muñoz Kennedy, 40, was captured on video plummeting to the ground as she spun wildly out of control.

Bystanders on the ground watched in shock as she fell, eventually slamming onto the road in Boituva, Brazil.

Carolina Muñoz Kennedy died Saturday when her main and backup parachute failed. NX

Kennedy had tried desperately to fix the faulty parachutes, but she only continued to fall at horrifying speed.

In the footage, her form disappears behind the tree-line as the rest of the speechless skydiving crew stands on the ground in horror.

This still image was pulled from video footage as Kennedy plummeted from the sky after her parachutes failed. NX
Video footage showed Kennedy disappearing behind a tree before hitting the ground. NX

Kennedy had attempted an emergency procedure during the fall. She miraculously survived the fall itself and was treated by paramedics at the scene, but later succumbed to her injuries at a nearby hospital, as reported by the Sun.

Witness José Soares de Melo described to local media the moment their group found the doomed skydiver.

“She was lying there on the ground waiting for help and people were calling the fire department and the police,” Soares de Melo said.

“I felt incredibly sad, shocked.”

Police launched an investigation following Kennedy’s death and seized her high-performance skydiving gear for forensic analysis.

Carolina Muñoz Kennedy made jumps earlier in the day before her fatal fall. NX

She was not a first-time diver, either. Kennedy had made previous jumps, even earlier that day, with the fatal fall slated to be the last one before wrapping up for Saturday.

Kennedy was registered with the Brazilian Skydiving Confederation, which will also prepare a report on the causes of the accident.

“At this difficult time, our thoughts are to our dear colleague, her family members and the entire parachute community,” the BSC told local media.

Police launched an investigation and seized her gear for forensic analysis. NX

“We reiterate our commitment to the safety and integrity of all those involved in our sport.”

Friends and family took to social media to mourn Kennedy.

Carolina Muñoz Kennedy was an experienced skydiver and a member of the Brazilian Skydiving Confederation. NX

“Darling, I still can’t accept your departure, the friend so beautiful, intelligent, kind, friendly. I hope that wherever you are, you can fly and do your thing with so much passion,” Marisel Karina Pacini Lepe, a friend of Kennedy’s from Chile, wrote on Facebook.

“See you later. Hugs to heaven, friend!”

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