Today we want to provide 5 tips to help you sleep better. There is nothing worse than an inability to sleep at night. Tossing and turning on the comfiest pillows and blankets is uncomfortable, and the more you toss and turn, the less you will be able to sleep. If you want to be able to get a good night of rest, you need to work out what’s stopping you from sleeping in the first place – though this isn’t always easy! You deserve to be able to sleep well and get a proper night of sleep every single night.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
No matter what you are doing every day and every evening, you may find yourself pushing back through all the exhaustion just to have some time alone in the night, whether that’s for gaming, watching TV or simply to stream and listen to your favorite Royalty Free Piano Music. You need to learn how to wind down and relax yourself so that you can sleep as well as you can, and if your sleep sucks right now, here are a few amazing tips to ensure that you can relax better.
- Screen off. Laying in bed scrolling Facebook? Yep, we all do it and we’re all guilty for it in some way. Staring at our phones while we are comfy under the blanket is what we all do every night, but it’s time to stop. The blue light emitting from the screen is going to trick your brain into staying awake for longer, and prevent the release of that sweet melatonin that your body needs to shut down and sleep well. While you’re at it, put your phone away and leave it away from the bed at night. Bedtime is for talking and sleeping and – well, you know.
- Schedule it. You schedule your meetings and you make a point of ensuring that you fit your work into your day. Well, sleep should be something you schedule in, too. If you have a bedtime – yes, even as a grown up – you can help your body to adjust to this new sleeping time. This will then mean that you go to bed and wake up consistently, which your body needs to function well. You can adjust your bio-clock this way, which is handy to do when you have a goal with your sleep schedule.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Eat well. Food is not medicine, but you can ensure that you get a better night of sleep when you eat well. Protein-rich foods are very good for helping you to sleep well, but you also need to consider oats, bananas and other carb-rich foods that will fill you up. These slow release carbohydrates will take time to release overnight, allowing you to digest your food easily and feel fuller. You may even be able to sleep well. - Quiet. Reducing the noise in the space in which you sleep is so important if you want this night to be a good one. You want to ensure that you surround yourself in as much quiet as possible, save for noise machines and white noise that will ensure that you have something to lull you to sleep. Use earphones specific to sleeping if you need to, or keep a sleeping noise machine by the bed to help you to drop off and relax. Other than that, you need some quiet!
- Workout often. If you are going to workout, doing it before bed will help you to keep fit as much as it will help you to sleep well. Cardiovascular exercise will get your adrenaline pumping and this can leave you feeling fit enough to sleep, too.
We hope you loved our 5 tips to help you sleep better at night. A good nights rest can make all the difference in the world.
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