Even though you’re no longer competing, you still have such a gorgeous figure. What keeps you in shape nowadays?
Part of it is muscle memory from gymnastics and the other is my secret weapon, Jason Walsh at Rise Nation. He has found a way to keep me challenged athletically with different routines almost every time I come in. He has this one exercise with bands that you put around your ankles and your knees; you have to sort-of waddle back and forth down the track. I have to say that these are my least favorite moves, but definitely some of the most effective I’ve done for glutes and legs—painful, but effective!
Going back to acting, tell us about your character Paige Arkin on USA’s Graceland.
Paige is such a fun character to play. What drew me to her was her sense of humor, but also her heart. In the past, I’ve played a lot of tough characters, which has been fun, but it’s wonderful to add these elements into the mix. That being said, the fact that she’s an undercover DEA agent that gets to kick a bunch of ass and shoot guns all the time is pretty amazing. Plus, my gymnastics comes in handy because I do all my own stunts, and with Paige’s background of training, they can be pretty crazy.
What started out as a three episode arc grew into a series regular. Tell us about that.
I came in on the second episode, with a three episode arc, but also a contract to stay for the whole year if they liked me. While it’s amazing to get that opportunity, it’s also terrifying to know that they could just fire me on the spot if they didn’t like me. Luckily, Paige fit into the mix perfectly on a character level, and for me on a cast level. Everyone was just so welcoming since day one that it was never a question of whether or not I was staying.

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